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Carbon-Carbon Composite – Back to Basics

By   |   Submitted On December 31, 2016

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Expert Author Satvik Mittal

What is the CFC composite? Well, this material is known by many other common names, such as carbon composite, CFC, C/C, and carbon-carbon composite, just to name a few. In this article, you will know more about the production process, physical features, mechanical features and other types of C/C. So, read on.

Production process:

During the production process, the graphite fiber or carbon fiber is used for designing a special shape. In the next stage, the CVD or CVI is used for improving the density of the material. Based on the size of the product, this process takes around 5 to 8 months.

Physical features:

At high temperatures, the CFC contains a high level of C/C content, which is more than 90%. While the density is not so high, the mechanical features are impressive. Since the material has a high melting point, higher resistance to temperature, shock and corrosion, it can deal well with salt, alkali and acid.

Mechanical properties:

As far as strength and elasticity goes, CFC is one of the best materials. Aside from this, it doesn’t go through a lot of wear and tear. That’s the reason it can save you plenty of money down the road.

Temperature stability:

It can stand a temperature as high as 2500 Celsius. So, the ablation resistance and thermal stress can’t effect it so easily, which makes this material rather stronger.

Special features:

Carbon-carbon composite is acid-resistant, alkali-resistant. Besides, its density is lower than other metals. Aside from this, its tensile strength is a lot higher than steel, which makes it more resistant to thermal shock.

Types of The composite:

Now, let’s know more about some common types of the C/C and their features. This will be just a brief introduction to the common types of this material.


The composite has two directions: x and y directions. Generally, the product is a combination of the layers of carbon-fiber cloths, such as CFC sheets, carbon composite boards and C/C profiles.

Primary features of carbon-carbon brake discs

The density of the brake discs is lower than that of steel because of its weight. As a result, the performance of the aircraft is better to a great extent.

Since its thermal expansion and heat coefficient is small, it is more stable at high temperature. So, it won’t melt down so easily.

It’s friction performance is impressive and the wear and tear is up to 50% lower than that of steel. Typical military machines last longer as well.

3D composite: 

Unlike 2D C/C composite, this type has 3 directions: x, y and z. At times, it’s also known as 3D xyz structure. 3D hoop structure is another common type of this stuff.

4D composite:

Basically, it’s 3D C/C composite. The fact of the matter is that it contains one more fiber, which is called 4D.

So, if you have been looking for carbon-carbon products, you may find this article useful as it has all the important information you need before buying your desired products from your favorite Seller.

Are you looking for a carbon-carbon composite, if so, you can take a look at Cfccarbon where you can find a great collection of carbon products at very reasonable rates.

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