How to build a simple house in Minecraft
A house in minecraft is important to continued existence because in a house you can pit, dig for minerals, construct, sleep, discover different things, and most importantly, be protected from creepers and spiders that that stay there all day long. Minecraft blocks that can glow forever are called Glowstone and known before as Lightstone. The […]
Read MoreЧто, собственно, изобрел и обнаружил Волластон?
Что, собственно, изобрел и обнаружил Волластон? Английский врач Волластон (1766-1828) прославился рядом ярких изобретений и открытий в химии и оптике. Собственно Волластон привел доказательства, что электрический ток разлагает хим. соединения, на базе изучения солей ввел в науку понятие эквивалентного веса, обнаружил явление плеохроизма (плеохроизм – изменение окраски кристаллических веществ в зависимости от направленности светового луча), […]
Read MoreО Дропбоксе (Dropbox)
Дропбокс представляет собой бесплатный сервис, который позволяет всерда иметь при себе фотографии, документы, и видео в любом месте и поделиться ими с легкостью. Дропбокс был основан в 2007 году Дрю Хьюстон и Араш Фирдоуси, двумя студентами MIT уставшими от отправки по электронной почте файлов себе на работу с нескольких компьютеров. Сегодня, более чем 50 миллионов человек на всех континентах используют Дропбокс, чтобы всегда иметь свои файлы под рукой. А также делится с ними с родными и […]
Read MoreApostle Paul and unknown god
Апостол Павел и памятник неведомому Богу Большая часть Библейской книги Деяния посвящена описанию миссионерских путешествий апостола Павла в Коринф, Эфес, Кипр, Афины и т.д. С тех пор прошло практически 2000 лет. Над этими местами пронеслось много войн, иноземных нашествий, стихийных бедствий.
Read MoreThe Intel Pentium Chip Controversy case memo
Subject: The Intel Pentium Chip Controversy (A) Date: March 7, 2010 In the summer 1994 a division flaw was discovered for rare combination of numbers in the floating point unit of the new Pentium chip designed by Intel. This discovery created a wave of accusations aimed at microprocessor company. Intel was faced with the decision […]
Read MoreAston Maui Hill Resort
We have spend our vacation at Maui last summer. Aston Hill hotel was our choice for staying. Overall we were quite satisfied. There was occasional noise from the road at night. Otherwise, it was quiet place with a nice view. Cars are getting incredibly hot on sun. It’s hard to find a spot in the […]
Read MorePE Leadership: Lessons learned
You may have an excellent crew on board but the plane cannot fly if it is overloaded. No matter how hard employees of PE tried to deliver exceptional service to it’s customers, the problems of logistics and operation capacities must be resolved. When teams were trying to deliver the best possible service, PE was definitely […]
Read MoreLeadership style analysis using the four frames
The leadership style is fairly strong in all four frames. Structure frame People Express (PE) had been widely cited as the model of a highly innovative and successful business venture. Six Precepts of PE defined the base of the leadership structure of the company. These Precepts were the “check and balance” against which people could […]
Read MorePeople Express’ Corporate culture
PE’s corporate culture was clearly defined in the Precepts, where people are more important then the profits. The company was heavily “clan” or “family” oriented. Employees’ and managers’ work were based on trust and relationships, allowing the company to have a high level of the Adhocracy, so important for startups. The Profit sharing program assured […]
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